Monroe County Social and Health Demographics

2019 Monroe County population: 146,461

Source: U.S. Census Bureau

Racial and Ethnic Composition of Monroe County

Source: U.S. Census Bureau 5-year American Community Survey, 2019

Monroe County’s population is relatively young, with 26 percent of the Monroe County population being 18 to 24 years old.

U.S. Census Bureau 5-year American Community Survey, 2019


Monroe County has a relatively high unemployment rate on average (5.4 percent) compared to the rest of the state (4.8 percent).

Bloomington and Stinesville have comparatively higher rates of unemployment relative to the rest of the county (6.7 percent and 17.0 percent, respectively).

Source: U.S. Census Bureau 5-year American Community Survey, 2019


According to 2017 Indiana State Department of Health Data, the top causes of mortality for Monroe County residents include:

  • Major cardiovascular diseases: 29.2%

  • Other systems/diseases not classified: 23%

  • Cancer: 21.1%

  • Chronic lower respiratory disease: 5.3%

Source: Indiana State Department of Health. 2018. Indiana Mortality Report for 2017, State and County Data, Table 5.


87% of Monroe County residents have access to exercise opportunities and locations for physical activity.

Source: 2021 County Health Rankings

Monroe County was among the top 10 percent of all Indiana counties in five categories of drug/alcohol use (alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, prescription drugs, and overall substance abuse) in 2013, 2014, and 2016.

Source: The Monroe County Community Health Assessment & Improvement Plan (2015-2018), based on research conducted by the Indiana State Epidemiological Outcome Work Group.


Based on 2020 County Health Ratings, 19 percent of Monroe County residents drink to excess and 20 percent of Monroe County residents are smokers.


The Monroe County population has achieved a higher level of educational attainment compared to the rest of the state. Monroe County has a relatively larger share of adults who have at least a Bachelor’s degree (47 percent) compared with the rest of the state (27 percent). A higher percentage of Monroe County residents have at least a high school diploma (95 percent) compared to the rest of the state (90 percent).

Source: 2021 County Health Rankings


In 2016, Monroe County had approximately 60.5 opioid related emergency room visits per 100,000 in population.

Source: 2020 County Health Ratings, Indiana


Monroe County has a significantly lower rate of teen births (7 per 1,000 females between ages 15 and 19) than the state of Indiana (25 per 1,000 females between ages 15 and 19)

Source: 2021 County Health Rankings

Monroe County residents have had a comparatively higher number of poor mental health days over the last 30 days (average of 4.8 days compared to U.S. average of 4 days).

Source: 2020 County Health Ratings, Indiana


25 percent of Monroe County residents are considered obese, and 23 percent are physically inactive.

Source: 2020 County Health Ratings, Indiana